Dog, Canine ACL Surgery in Huntington Beach CA
As a pet owner, you have many things to think about when it comes to your dog’s physical health. When you receive an ACL diagnosis or notice signs of injury or chronic pain in your furry friend, we will be there for support. We are here not only for emergency medical care but also for specialty veterinary services like surgery when needed.
In this article, we’ll cover the basics of ACL surgery and what your pet’s recovery time will be like.
What is an ACL?
The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is the ligament that connects the femur bone in your dog’s knee to your dog’s tibia (shin) bone. This ligament helps stabilize your dog’s knee joint. When this ligament is injured, it may cause pain and arthritis in your dog’s knee.
What causes an ACL injury?
The most common causes of ACL injury are:
The most common cause for an ACL tear in dogs under 10 lbs. is trauma, such as when it gets caught in something or falls down from a height. If you notice your pet limping on one or both legs, don’t hesitate to contact us right away!
We will be happy to evaluate your pet at our office and provide you with any medical care that may be needed while we determine if surgery is necessary.
Diagnosis – How Do I Know if My Pet Needs Dog ACL Surgery?
If your dog has torn his or her ACL, he or she will likely exhibit multiple signs of discomfort and immobility. Here are some of the primary clinical signs:
• Difficulty standing up
• Trouble jumping into the car
• Decreased activity level
• Lameness or limping (variable severity)
• Muscle atrophy (decreased muscle mass in the effected leg)
• Decreased range of motion in the knee joint
• A popping noise (which may also indicate a meniscal tear)
• Swelling on the inside of the shin bone
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Are you looking for a great Veterinarian for your pet? Contact our office today and book your appointment!